A lot of families are making the effort to save for college in 529 plans. There are 12 million accounts open with an average of $20,000 in each. Close to 10% of accounts are owned by households with annual income below $50,000, and over 70% of accounts are owned by households with annual income below $150,000, according to the College Savings Foundation, which has a strongly worded statement against the tax hike proposal here.
“Taxing college savings is detrimental and will have a chilling and resounding effect on the future of college savings, leaving families with an even greater reliance on student loan debt, which is currently at $1.3 trillion,” warns Betty Lochner, chair of the College Savings Plans Network if the proposal were to become law.
When 529 plans were created in 1996, earnings were tax deferred–taxed to the beneficiary at their tax rate at the time of distribution. In 2001, Congress instituted the current tax advantages and made them “permanent” in the Pension Protection Act of 2006. Savings in 529 plans spiked after those two tax events, says Lochner.
For details on 529 Plans (click here)
Source: Forbes
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